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Advanced Analytics & Data Intelligence

Better decisions through data and analytics

There is more data available on customers, website or online shop use, marketing results, search engine behaviour, the market and social media use than ever before. And the amount of data will only keep growing as we move into the future. At their best, data and analytics are an indispensable tool for deepening customer insight and developing business and marketing efforts.

In this sea of data, it is essential to start out with a survey of your business and marketing goals. Then we can design and build measurement and tracking solutions, metrics, data visualisations and dashboards. Distribution in a format that is easy to use and understand is essential for the successful utilisation of data. Equally important is grounding the results in the company’s everyday operations and decision-making.

We can help you harness data and analytics to improve your company’s decision-making with services such as goal and measurement need surveys, data visualisation and dashboards that bring together diverse data sources. We will also support you in interpreting the data, including using data science to create and understand forecasts, segmentation, interdependencies between factors and data-based customer paths.

Some questions our data and analytics services can answer 

  • How can we measure and monitor whether the targets set for our website and marketing are achieved?
  • How can analytics best support the development of our online shop or content marketing?
  • What kind of analytics solution would be the best fit for our needs?
  • How could we combine different data sources with analytics data, and what new opportunities would that create?
  • How could we distribute data in the most clear and intelligible format possible to support decision-making across the whole organisation?
  • How could we utilise our existing data to improve customer insights or create customer segments?
Make the most out of your new website

Case: Consti

Consti is a company specialised in repair and construction. By improving the usability and visibility of Constis new website, we were able to inject considerable energy into the companys B2B sales and generate a range of new contacts.  
Efficient e-commerce marketing

Case: Martinex

Powerful analytics and effective digital advertising were key to the success of Martinexs online shop and its 2901% ROAS. 
Do you want to make better business in digital channels?

Contact us and we will tell you how we can help in improving your sales and marketing!


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